Reunion Information
Stay connected with your Mepham High School classmates! This page provides updates on upcoming reunions and resources to help organize your own. The Alumni Association is here to support and encourage reunions of all sizes. Whether you’re planning a large event or a casual gathering at a local restaurant, we’re happy to help.
To start planning your reunion, contact Laura at Reunions can also take place in local chapters within your community, bringing alumni together wherever you are.
Your support of the W.C. Mepham Alumni Association helps us continue providing scholarships and making improvements to our beloved school. Thank you for keeping the spirit of Mepham alive!
Class of 1964 – Update – 55th Fla. Destination Reunion ! Feb. 8th-9th, 2019
W. C. MEPHAM CLASS OF ’64 55th REUNION WEEKEND FEBRUARY 8 - 9, 2019 Hello fellow Pirates! It’s time to get together for another Reunion! Because so many classmates live in Florida for at least part of the year, it has been decided to hold our Reunion in Cocoa Beach....
W.C Mepham High School, Class Of 1968, 50th Year Reunion
The Reunion Committee of the Mepham H.S.Class of 1968 cordially invites you to join your old friends and classmates for our 50th Year Reunion! This is the information page for the Mepham High School, Class Of 1968, 50thth Year Reunion. This page will be updated with...
Class of 1958 – Welcome to our 60th Mepham High School Reunion. Update
Mepham Class of ’58 had a 60th reunion on April 28. 75 classmates and spouses came to dinner at the Hutchinson Island Marriott Hotel in Stuart Florida. Many classmates came a few days early to hang out by the pool with old friends. A few graduates from ’57 and ’59...