
Obituary-Jerry Worthing-Class of 1941-R.I.P. Oct. 29, 2019

It is with deep personal regret I post this notice of the passing of my dear friend, fellow alumni and mentor, Jerry Worthing class of 1941. Jerry was a stalwart of our Alumni Association. He was honored with a Meritorious Service Award and was enshrined as a Who's...

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An Important Announcement From Your Alumni Association

An Important Announcement From Your W.C. Mepham Alumni Association Our new website is now fully operational ! We urge all you Pirates to visit and tour the page contents. You will find news from the Alumni Association, school activities and events. We are going GREEN...

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Mepham 4th Annual Flag Field of Honor

Mepham's 4th Annual Flag Field of Honor! Honor your family & friends by flying a flag in their honor on the beautiful front lawn of our alma mater! For more information, click on the link below to see the attached flyer! Mepham High School Field of Honor

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