Welcome to the W.C. Mepham Alumni Association

Reconnect, Support, and Celebrate!

Join the Mepham Alumni Association to stay connected with fellow alumni, support scholarships for current students, and celebrate the legacy of our high school.
Sign up for email updates and be part of our vibrant community!

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Our Mission

We are dedicated to preserving W. C. Mepham High School’s legacy of academic excellence, achievement, and community engagement. We provide a space for alumni to connect, grow, and support the next generation of students. Read our  April Newsletter from the Alumni Board

How We Fulfill Our Mission:

  • Celebrating the achievements of our alumni
  • Fostering connections through reunions, publications, social media, and events
  • Providing scholarships to deserving students
  • Attending school events and promoting support

DEADLINE to Buy Tickets to Mepham Alumni Reunion Event extended to March 26th

Mepham Alumni Day at Citi Field – Mets vs. Cardinals! Join the W.C. Mepham High School Alumni Association for a fun-filled day at Citi Field as we cheer on the New York Mets vs. St. Louis Cardinals! For details and to purchase tickets click here.

Read School News and Events Here

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